Saturday, May 05, 2007

Here's to beer!

After the fun in Philly, we drove up to Pottstown Pottsville (I stand corrected) to visit America's Oldest Brewery, Yuengling. Dan's birthday is coming up, so I decided to give him the gift of beer! (Who says I'm cheap?)

Give me liberty or give me death!

My brother, Dan, and his wife, Kerri, came into town recently and we decided to show them around there area.

We started heading to downtown Philly for some cheesesteaks on Friday night. We stopped by and saw Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell while we were down there:

Rack 'em!

Well, we got a pool table a couple of months ago! It's definitely a lot of fun and it really pull together my "pub" room. If you're in the area, you'll have to stop by and play.

When we got the pool table, we went ahead and put a TV into the room. Can't play pool without being able to watch sports and HD tv!

We started the room with the furniture and paint, but I think it has finally come together. The last thing we want to do is add some shutters on the windows. I'll update you again when that is finished.